Best Contact Management Software: Top 16 Systems & Databases

Date:Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick Summary

Contact Management Software streamlines client and lead interactions, with features like contact database management, lead tracking, communication history, and task scheduling.
In this article, we evaluate 16 leading tools and compare their features, pros, cons, and pricing.

When it comes to the business of selling, it’s not so much what you know, as who you know. Having a 360-degree view of all your sales leads and contacts is the lifeblood for your sales team, which is why CRM contact management software is so key for pipeline management and the entire sales process.

A contact management system lets you sync all of your contacts to one record, stay on top of your networks, and communicate in real-time. Additionally, reps can view conversation histories and filter their network into contact lists by title, industry, relationship to your business, and a range of other attributes and custom fields.

Reading this article on a site called, you might be wondering about the difference between contact management software and CRM Software, or customer relationship management software. Are they not both CRM systems?

This piece will attempt to answer that and look at the best contact management solutions out there. It will discuss their paid plans and if there are free plans or trials on top of the paid plans. We’ll review where contact management overlaps with basic sales CRM tools as well as other features like marketing tools.



What is Contact Management Software?

In a nutshell, a contact management platform is essentially an address book on steroids. In other words, it’s software to manage contacts, which is often an essential part of sales management.

It provides the basic foundation (contact information) that you need to build up sales and marketing strategies and drive customer retention. Yet there are always more advanced contact management features.

Contact management solution tools are particularly favored by SMBs, where a team member or sales agent/manager takes on multiple roles for one contact. In this context, contact relationship management can be seen as a kind of lightweight CRM with simpler, more linear functionality. Contact management is also essential for e-commerce operations, where repeat customers spell the difference between a one-time deal and long-term customer value.

A true CRM platform, meanwhile, is a more robust business software. There are more full-featured CRM tools, handling leads and deals and offering extended tools for project management, sales, marketing, and customer support. However, the overwhelming majority of CRM systems incorporate contact management as a key component of their business suite.


Why Use Contact Manager Software?

Here’s a list of reasons why use a contact manager software:

Save Your Customer Interactions

Automatically log all your cross-channel communications with customers, so you’ll have a record to consult later. This information will make a crucial difference when it comes to determining what product or service to offer them for cross-selling and up-selling, the tone of your next interaction, and how best to interact with similar customers later.

Improve the Customer Experience

With all-in-one contact management, customer service agents can deliver better performance with less effort. They’ll have easy access to a centralized contact list, complete with detailed records of past cross-channel customer interactions, and receive task notifications and follow-up reminders. All this contributes to improved customer experience, reduced churn, and customer loyalty.

Keep All Your Contact Information Centralized

Contact information comes to you across many different channels, like social media, live chat, phone calls, your company website, face-to-face convos, web form capture, purchase records, and more. A contact management platform assimilates all this information into one business contact record, including address books and phone numbers, so you can access it from one place. 

Helps Team Collaboration 

A centralized contact record gives everyone in your business more visibility and makes your organization smarter and more transparent. Team members can consult individual case files worked on by other staff in real time, reducing the need for real-life meetings. This eliminates tasks, hand-off mistakes, and redundant work, plus encourages transparent collaboration.

Gets You Insights Based on Contact Data

Reporting and analytics tools mine your customer data, providing insights into your audience, what kind of marketing campaigns you should be running, and your overall business needs. Intelligent lead management and segmentation tools can identify the right clients to focus resources on. 


Key Features of a Good Contact Manager Software

When choosing contact management software, it’s important to focus on features that enhance efficiency, personalization, and ease of use. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the most crucial features to look for:

1. Comprehensive Contact Segmentation

A good contact management system should allow you to segment your contacts based on various criteria such as industry, location, or stage in the customer lifecycle. Effective segmentation helps in personalizing interactions and targeting the right audience, ultimately enhancing the customer experience and identifying high-value demographics.


2. Mobile Accessibility

In today's mobile-centric world, having a mobile app for your contact management software is essential. This feature ensures that you can access your contact information and manage tasks on the go, whether you're in sales, customer service, or support. It enhances productivity by allowing you to stay connected and responsive wherever you are.


3. Integrated Task and Project Management

Look for software that integrates task and project management capabilities. This feature allows you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, all within the same platform. Cloud-based solutions are particularly useful as they enable real-time updates and collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and workflows are streamlined.


4. Automated Data Entry

Automating data entry not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors. A good contact management system should automate the recording of customer interactions and other relevant data. This automation supports various functions like email marketing and sales automation, freeing up time for more strategic activities.


5. Easy Import and Export Options

The ability to easily import and export contact data is crucial. Your software should support importing data from sources like CSV files, spreadsheets, business cards, and other digital tools. Similarly, it should allow for easy data export to facilitate platform migration, data sharing, and integration with other systems.


6. Enhanced Security and Compliance

Given the sensitive nature of contact information, robust security measures are a must. Ensure that the software adheres to data protection regulations like GDPR or HIPAA. Features like user role permissions can control who has access to different types of data, adding an extra layer of security.


Contact Management System Comparison Chart (Top 10 Highest Rated)

Below is a quick overview of the top contact management systems. We display who each vendor is best suited for, some paid plan information, and our rating.



Best for



Less Annoying CRM

Best contact management software overall

$15 /user/month

Visit site

HubSpot CRM

Top contact management platform for small business

$45 /user/month

Visit site

Great cheaper contact management tool if you’re on a budget

$9 /user/month

Visit site

Bigin by Zoho CRM

Top free contact management system

$7 /user/month

Visit site


Good contact database software for relationship intelligence

Contact vendor

Visit site


Great contact management solution for Google Workspace

$25 /user/month

Visit site


Great contact data management system if you need to grow your network

$14.90 /user/month

Visit site


Top contact management software for salespeople

$39 / 5 users/month

Visit site


Great contact database software for social media

$19 /user/month

Visit site


Best contact management solution for team collaboration

$29 /user/month

Visit site


What is the Best Contact Management Software? Here’s Our Top 16 List:

From big names to up-and-comers and from free to premium-paid plans, let’s now run down the best contact database management systems.

1. Less Annoying CRM (Best Contact Management Software Overall)

Preview of an individual contact inside Less Annoying CRM

Why We Chose It:

We selected Less Annoying CRM (aka LACRM) as our top choice for contact management software due to its all-inclusive, budget-friendly package tailored for small businesses. LACRM's user-friendly interface, efficient contact and lead tracking, and unique email logging system impressed us.

While it lacks app integrations and in-app notifications, its affordable pricing and comprehensive features make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to streamline their contact management processes.

Check out our Less Annoying CRM review for more details.


LACRM’s lean but nimble toolkit has got you covered when it comes to managing all your customers and other contacts, tracking your leads through pipelines, and staying on top of events and tasks (in easy-to-use calendar and agenda forms). 

Emails written and received outside a CRM platform can be logged inside LACRM, which provides every user with a unique email logging address (for which you create a contact with whatever email provider you use).


There aren’t any app integrations, which might be a significant limitation, depending on your needs. The app sends out notifications by SMS or email, but not in-app. 


  • $15 per user per month billed monthly

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Go to Less Annoying CRM’s official website

2. HubSpot CRM (Top Contact Management Platform for Small Business)

Individual contact overview inside HubSpot

Why We Chose It:

We selected HubSpot CRM as our top choice for contact management due to its unique combination of versatility and robust features. HubSpot offers a free CRM foundation supplemented by an extensive suite of paid business tools, making it adaptable to businesses of all sizes.

The platform's seamless integration with Gmail, Outlook, and web forms streamlines contact data entry and automates record updates and sales activity logging.

The combination of accessible learning resources and a competitive pricing structure positions HubSpot CRM as an exceptional choice for comprehensive contact management and beyond. Find out more in our HubSpot CRM review.


The CRM allows you to add contact records from Gmail and Outlook or corporate email and web forms with one click. Once added, the platform auto-updates records and logs all sales activities with a contact. HubSpot automatically trawls its database of 20 million+ businesses and builds revenue, industry, and more into contact details wherever possible. You also get excellent email tracking.

Apart from the sales process, this information helps segment customers and run marketing campaigns. The platform supports up to 1 million contacts and company records, which should comfortably cover most businesses.  


Contact filter options could be more specific. The software learning curve is moderate, although this is lessened by access to video tutorials, support resources, and community forums.


  • HubSpot CRM is free

  • Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub start at $45 each per user per month billed annually

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Go to HubSpot CRM’s official website

3. (Great Cheaper Contact Management Tool if You’re on a Budget)

Using as a contact management software

Why We Chose It:

Our choice of as a top contact management solution is driven by its unique fusion of project management and CRM capabilities, offering a highly customizable and flexible platform. With a built-in contact list and the ability to capture essential interactions like calls, emails, and meetings, simplifies contact management.

For more information on this tool, check out our review.


Once your contacts are in your system and in your sales pipeline, you can track sales progress easily with colorful, graphical views, including Kanban, maps, timelines, files, charts, and calendars. The visually oriented platform has a clean layout with drag-and-drop flexibility and colorful accents that draw the eye to important information.

The built-in world clock takes the edge off communicating with contacts across multiple regions, displaying time zones (based on geographical location info) clearly next to contacts (and team members).


Lacks a call recording feature, so if you want to attach phone conversations to a contact record (or generate voice-to-text transcriptions in-app), you’ll have to find a third-party tool. Some users have described the mobile version as clunky and lacking some of the desktop app’s features.


  • offers a free plan

  • Basic plan is $9 per user per month billed annually

  • Standard plan is $12 per user per month billed annually

  • Pro plan is $19 per user per month billed annually

  • Enterprise plan requires contact with

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Go to’s official website

4. Bigin by Zoho CRM (Top Free Contact Management System)

Preview of all details related to a contact inside Bigin by Zoho

Why We Chose It:

Our selection of Zoho CRM Bigin as the top free contact management system is driven by its feature-rich, user-friendly interface. Zoho, a trusted name in CRM software, offers Bigin as a dedicated contact management tool with unified address book features and cross-channel engagement tools.

It's an excellent choice for sales professionals seeking streamlined contact management, with a free plan and affordable paid options.


It allows you to track deals and categorize task types with the tagging tools feature, as well as create and assign roles to team members and set privacy permissions for information-sensitive projects. Smart task and email templates speed up routine inquiries and interactions with customers and help ensure best-practice interactions every time. 


Some people find the wide range of Zoho products confusing. But in a nutshell, Bigin is a very solid tool for salespeople needing to streamline their contacts.


  • Zoho CRM Bigin offers a free plan

  • Express plan starts at $7 per user per month billed annually

  • Premier plan starts at $12 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Zoho CRM Bigin’s official website

5. Affinity (Good Contact Database Software for Relationship Intelligence)

Affinity Contacts dashboard showing lists of different contacts

Why We Chose It:

Affinity deserves a top spot in the contact management tools list thanks to its exceptional ability to harness data and relationships. By providing insights, automation, and tracking of interactions, Affinity streamlines contact management while bolstering business relationships.

Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features make it a powerful asset for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their contact management, leading to improved productivity and effective networking.


The app’s collective intelligence builds a contact list from companies and people you’ve interacted with and provides real-time updates on their activity. Machine learning and natural language processing analyze sentiment and score the strength of your relationships. AI also eliminates duplicate contacts and companies in your record.

The “Alliances” feature, meanwhile, identifies networking opportunities, indicating which of your contacts might be able to provide a warm introduction to another party you’d like to be in touch with, such as a key decision-maker at another company. 


Pipeline visualization tools aren’t so clear, and data visualization tools are limited. The mobile version is pretty clunky. 


  • Contact Affinity for specific pricing details based on your needs

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Go to Affinity’s official website

6. Copper (Great Contact Management Solution for Google Workspace)

A preview of all leads inside Copper CRM

Why We Chose It:

We consider Copper CRM as one of the top contact management tools for its seamless integration with G Suite, making it an invaluable choice for every team that relies on Google Workspace.

Its user-friendly interface and automated data entry features simplify contact management and relationship tracking while also offering excellent email and task management capabilities.

For more information, read our Copper CRM review.


Contacts can be accessed via email, voice, and text in-app. In-app voice transcription lets you take notes on the fly, so you can further build up a contact record. Copper offers a one-click contact add and automatically ports Gmail contact info into your CRM, which allows you to quickly populate your contact list with easy access to full email history, pipeline details, and other info.

Once you have your contacts list up and running a highly visual, well-designed sales pipeline lets you manage your leads throughout the qualification process. Weekly pipeline progression reports suggest improvements in team communication and workflow, while custom filters and alerts keep you on top of the most important deals.


Copper’s tutorials are not always sufficient for troubleshooting problems. Also, there’s definitely a learning curve, which can come as a surprise, given how user-friendly the product is made out to be.


  • Basic plan is $25 per user per month billed annually

  • Professional plan is $59 per user per month billed annually

  • Business plan is $119 per user per month billed annually 

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Go to Copper’s official website

7. Pipedrive (Great Contact Data Management System if You Need to Grow Your Network)

Viewing an individual contact inside Pipedrive

Why We Chose It:

Pipedrive is a standout choice for top contact management tools due to its exceptional sales-oriented approach. Its intuitive interface, robust sales pipeline management, and automation capabilities empower businesses to manage contacts and sales processes efficiently.

Why did we put it on our list?

With features like customizable pipelines, email tracking, and an extensive marketplace for integrations, Pipedrive offers a comprehensive solution for contact management that ensures streamlined operations and higher conversion rates.

Read our Pipedrive review for more details.


Smart contact data finds web data through Google+, LinkedIn, and more, saving you time and preventing you from missing out on key details. With just an email address, you can do a one-click pre-qualification of leads. Pipedrive will trawl the Internet to obtain the most in-depth contact information possible and find out if they’re likely to buy.

Gmail integration (appearing as a sidebar app) makes it easy to add contacts from email, make notes, and schedule sales tasks. Full email sync allows you to check messages in-app from whichever email provider you use.


Pipedrive’s set of email tools is relatively new and possibly a tad in need of tweaking; these tools include email sync, tracking, and scheduling. One other drawback many users cite is the platform’s cost at the higher end.


  • The Essential plan is $14 per user per month billed annually

  • The Advanced plan is $29 per user per month billed annually

  • The Professional plan is $49 per user per month billed annually

  • The Power plan is $64 per user per month billed annually

  • The Enterprise plan is $99 per user per month billed annually 

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Go to Pipedrive’s official website


8. Bitrix24 (Top Contact Management Software for Salespeople)

Contacts feature that show a list of all contacts inside Bitrix24

Why We Chose It:

A well-rounded, comprehensive CRM that does everything you’d expect this kind of software to do: contact, project, and sales management, marketing campaigns, and team collaboration via the social intranet.

The contact center allows you to pull information on individuals and organizations from social networks, mobile messenger apps, and landing pages, building up a comprehensive contact list. 

Find out everything you need to know about this tool in our Bitrix24 CRM review.


The CRM can be toggled between two modes: Simple CRM (deals and contacts, but no leads) and Classic CRM (with leads). This ‘difficulty level’ feature is unique and definitely offers a lot of help with full-team adoption by letting you start with the easy stuff.

Bitrix24 is de facto the most popular free CRMs in the world. They provide a cloud CRM solution that’s free for up to 12 users, with a cap on data storage of 5 GB. It provides largely the same range of features as paid plans, albeit in a scaled-down form.


There are a lot of features, which can be overwhelming at first (hence the choice to toggle to the Simple CRM option). The notifications feature can be clunky, sometimes displaying the same notifications over and over when you log in. Customizability options are not that great.


  • Bitrix24 offers a free plan

  • Basic plan for up to 5 users is $39 per month billed annually

  • Standard plan for up to 50 users is $79 per month billed annually

  • Professional plan for unlimited users is $159 per month billed annually

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Go to Bitrix24’s official website

9. Nimble (Great Contact Database Software for Social Media)

Using Nimble CRM for contact management

Why We Chose It:

Nimble is a simple CRM tailored for social media, with smart social search and powerful tools for market segmentation. Nimble’s contact record has the ability to combine cross-channel contact and lead information into a single unified profile. 

Nimble's focus on connecting with contacts in a meaningful way makes it an excellent option for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their social and contact management strategies.

Find out more about this tool in our Nimble review.


The whole platform is based around Contact Page View (CPV). It’s within this interface that you can see all relevant info for a contact—emails sent or received, social interactions on all social networks, activities you’re working on or have completed in relation to the contact, notes, and deals you’ve completed or have in the pipeline. Since the CRM integrates with Office 365 and G Suite, you can quickly import and organize contacts from the platform you’re already using.

Nimble aggregates user posts in one place so you’ll have instant, real-time visibility on how people are interacting with your brand. Apart from being a great way to add new contacts, this is very useful for simplifying your operations across social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Data organization, sales pipeline, and reporting features keep your operations on the right track.


A lot of users have mentioned that Nimble’s Android app isn’t up to par with the iOS one. Another thing to note: Keeping track of closed deals can be a bit of a pain, as can deleting messages (which you have to do one page at a time). 


  • Nimble is $19 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Nimble’s official website

10. Maximizer (Best Contact Management Solution for Team Collaboration)

Contact list inside Maximizer CRM

Why We Chose It:

Maximizer is a full-fledged CRM tool, dedicated to providing personalized customer engagement that works with your business model. It allows you to build and manage a complex contact database with call logging, automatic email tracking, document attachments, and robust search and filter tools.

With tools for contact organization, lead tracking, and efficient communication, it simplifies the process of managing customer interactions.


The platform emphasizes the importance of data integrity and has sophisticated tools to clean ‘dirty data’ so that your sales forecasting and reports are accurate. Data cleansing deletes duplicate entries and ensures contact information is tidy and accessible, while date range purge features (old logs are exportable via Excel for safe-keeping) make sure up-to-date information is being used. A shared address book and audit log (tracks changes to contact fields, notes, and documents) ensure full-team visibility on your customer-facing interactions.

Use notifications and follow-ups to ensure time-sensitive issues are dealt with. Run your workday with a mobile-friendly calendar, schedule appointments, and check your prioritized to-do list. Consult other team members’ calendars and re-assign tasks to other users with ease.


There are many features, which can be overwhelming at first. It's also relatively pricey (with a simple, yet inflexible price model), which might put off small businesses on limited budgets.


  • Small Office plan is $29 per user per month billed annually

  • Business plus plan is $49 per user per month billed annually

  • Insights plan is $89 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Maximizer’s official website

11. Nutshell 

Using Nutshell CRM for managing companies and contacts

Why We Chose It:

Nutshell is a total CRM solution with robust contact management tools. Build and access customer profiles, including complete conversation histories.

Use lead form integration to turn website visitors into contacts with names, email addresses, and other contact info. Segment leads and customers in sophisticated ways (including industry, lifetime value, and location).

The tool excels in streamlining contact and lead management, with robust CRM functionalities like lead scoring and pipeline management.


Nutshell’s Gmail Chrome extension seamlessly connects your Google and Nutshell contacts and emails, and syncs and automatically updates Google events with Nutshell activities. It also allows you to save emails to Nutshell, sync Google Calendar activities, create tasks, track communication timelines, write notes, and view which emails have been shared with teammates in-app.


Importing data can produce duplicate leads, so data can become messy if you don’t spot duplicates right away. Users note a lack of automated integrations and customizability capabilities (although there are third-party integrations through Zapier). 


  • Starter plan is $20 per user per month billed annually

  • Pro plan is $42 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Nutshell’s official website

12. Freshsales 

Using Freshsales for contact management

Why We Chose It:

Freshsales CRM is the CRM system of Freshworks. It provides comprehensive contact management. It offers a contact record with full visibility, including notes, recent conversations, recent activities, time zone, related accounts, and more. 

With powerful contact organization, deal tracking, and email management features, it simplifies the complexities of customer relationship management.

Its AI-driven lead scoring and automation capabilities streamline the sales process, ensuring efficient communication and improved lead conversion rates. We covered much more in our Freshsales review, so feel free to check it out!


Lead capture automatically grabs leads from emails. You can develop your own lead scoring criteria to find your best leads, and set custom organizational parameters, like sorting categories. Overall, the platform is built to help you boost your customer base, scale your business, monitor deals, eliminate mundane tasks, run sales email campaigns, and create efficiencies through data centralization. 


The act of filtering tasks, so you can focus on your key contacts, is probably more difficult than it needs to be. Customer support can sometimes be slow at resolving issues. 


  • There is a free version of Freshsales

  • Growth plan starts at $9 per user per month billed annually

  • Pro plan starts at $39 per user per month billed annually

  • Enterprise plan starts at $59 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Freshsales’ official website

13. Insightly

Insightly CRM list of all contacts

Why We Chose It:

Insightly CRM is designed to facilitate interactions with customers, improve collaboration within organizations, and increase businesses’ productivity.

It integrates with Google, giving users in-app access to tools like Google Calendar, Gmail, and Google Docs, as well as third-party apps like MailChimp, Evernote, Xero, and Dropbox.

The customizable reporting and automation options further enhance productivity and ensure that businesses can efficiently manage their contacts and relationships, making Insightly a noteworthy contact management tool.

Our Insightly CRM review offers an in-depth analysis of all the features, so go ahead and give it a look.


Insightly tracks contacts, communications, projects, sales, and documents in a single interface. It provides the usual fields to represent and store contact data, such as name, email address, phone number, and so on, but users can also create their own specialized fields to add unique information, such as customer type, subscription type, contract renewal dates, and billing ID numbers. 

Drag-and-drop custom layouts and custom fields allow for more personalized, appropriate record-keeping. By quickly generating screens that fit your workflow, your business can hone its focus on the right customers and opportunities.


Insightly’s search function for contacts is not as robust as it could be. The platform has a moderate learning curve. Some users have noted it has a habit of crashing every once in a while.


  • Plus is $29 per user per month billed annually 

  • Professional is $49 per user per month billed annually

  • Enterprise is $99 per user per month billed annually 

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Go to Insightly’s official website


14. Contacts+

Contacts+ contact management software

Why We Chose It:

Contacts+ is a compelling choice for a contact management tool, primarily for its focus on simplifying contact organization and data enrichment. It offers powerful features for consolidating and updating contact information, including email signatures, social media profiles, and more.

This streamlined data integration, combined with contact syncing across devices, ensures that your contact information remains up-to-date and easily accessible.

Contacts+'s ease of use and efficiency in maintaining clean and enriched contact databases make it a great personal CRM, as well as CRM for businesses seeking to optimize their contact management and stay well-connected with their network.


It syncs from Google and Gmail accounts, Apple Mail and iCloud accounts, plus Microsoft Outlook, Exchange and Office 365 accounts.

On the desktop, it’s available in two forms: as a web browser extension from the Chrome Webstore for Gmail, and as a downloadable program for Mac and Windows.


Sync sometimes fails to detect duplicate contacts. Some users complain about slow customer support. 


  • Contacts+ offers a free plan

  • Premium plan is $8.33 per month billed annually

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Go to Contacts+’ official website


15. Centra Hub CRM

Bulk selecting contacts inside Centra Hub CRM

Why We Chose It:

Centra Hub CRM provides a detailed contact recording, including contact source, address, phone number, and other vital information. With robust features for contact organization, lead tracking, and task management, it simplifies the complexities of customer relationship management.

The software's in-depth reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights, allowing businesses to tailor their contact management strategies and enhance productivity.


This contact management system acts as the foundation for the rest of the app, a centralized database of people from which you build out your business processes and workflow. 

Schedule tasks and appointments, track contact activity, and import and export contacts. Track customer sentiment via communication history, social media profiles, and more. The platform is highly customizable, and its contact management integrates seamlessly with sales, marketing, service, and help desk functions.


Could benefit from more full-fledged integrations with other apps. Reporting tools could benefit from more sophisticated automation.


  • Start Up plan is $10 per user per month billed annually

  • Professional plan is $17 per user per month billed annually

  • Enterprise plan is $28 per user per month billed annually 

  • Ultimate plan is $50 per user per month billed annually

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Go to Centra Hub CRM’s official website

16. Salesmate

Salesmate Individual Contact Overview

Why We Chose It:

And now, for the last tool on our list! Salesmate is a compelling choice for a contact management tool, primarily due to its emphasis on sales-centric features and user-friendly design.

With efficient contact and lead management, email tracking, and automation capabilities, it simplifies the sales process and ensures effective communication with prospects and customers.

The software's clean interface and in-depth reporting make it a valuable choice for businesses seeking to optimize their contact management, improve sales processes, and foster strong customer relationships, ultimately driving growth and success.


Manage all of your contacts on one page, and monitor contact status with a graphical timeline that clearly and completely shows activity and emails over time. The bulk activity feature allows you to message multiple contacts with personalized greetings to save valuable time.  

Zapier integration allows you to sync contact data with third-party applications, and access all your cross-platform prospect information from directly within Salesmate.


UI is sometimes not the most intuitive, and navigating through some key features can be confusing at first. The platform also lacks a lead scoring feature.


  • Starter plan is $12 per user per month billed annually

  • Growth plan is $24 per user per month billed annually

  • Boost plan is $40 per user per month billed annually

  • For Enterprise prices, contact the vendor

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Go to Salesmate’s official website


What is the Best Contact Software for Me? Our Conclusion

Well, there you have it. You might not be surprised to see huge vendors like HubSpot CRM, Freshsales, and Zoho on this list, whereas maybe you’d never before heard of Affinity, Maximizer, or Salesmate.

Otherwise, you could always look at more thorough CRM systems like Salesforce or Keap. Either way, all of these options beat out a simple Microsoft spreadsheet any day.

If you’re still unsure which contact management system is right for you, remember there are often free trials, and usually, you won’t even have to enter your credit card number.

Lastly, we would like to mention the Radar visual CRM that has taken the world by storm. Although it didn’t make our list, it’s still worth looking at if you’re interested in a visual contact relationship management platform.

Not sure if a contact management system is what you need? Check out our CRM vs CMS article and explore more available options.


Contact Management Software FAQs

What is Contact Management Software?

Contact management software is a tool that helps you organize and track your contacts. It can help you store contact information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. It can also help you track your interactions with your contacts, such as phone calls, emails, and meetings.


How Much is Contact Management Software?

The cost of contact management software varies widely depending on the features you need, the size of your business, and the number of users. Free options include HubSpot CRM, Streak, and Zoho CRM. As for the paid options, prices start as low as $7/user (Bigin by Zoho).

Some other paid options include EngageBay, which starts at $14.99/user/month, or BIGContacts, which starts at $49/month for 500 contacts. Some of the priciest options include HubSpot Enterprise or Salesforce Unlimited, which cost $300/user/month.


How Does Contact Management Software Work?

Contact management software acts as a central hub for your contacts, storing and organizing their information. It allows you to track interactions, set reminders, and analyze data to understand your relationships better. Through efficient contact management, you can save time, improve communication, and build stronger connections with your stakeholders.


What is the Best Contact Management Software?

Unfortunately, there's no single "best" contact management software as it depends heavily on your individual needs and preferences. Each software has its strengths and weaknesses, making it ideal for different scenarios. We voted Less Annoying CRM as the best on our list due to its all-inclusive, budget-friendly package tailored for small businesses. 

Also, we found LACRM's user-friendly interface, efficient contact and lead tracking, and unique email logging system quite impressive.


What is Contact Data Management?

Contact data management involves collecting, storing, organizing, and updating contact information. It ensures accuracy, security, and efficient analysis for improved customer relationships, targeted marketing, and informed decision-making. 

Effective contact data management isn't just about organization; it's about unlocking the full potential of your contact information to build stronger relationships, improve marketing efforts, and make informed decisions that drive your business forward.