
CRM News: All the Latest CRM news, work apps & so much more. We cover the latest app releases and innovations in collaborative and productivity CRM. We keep you on track with all latest in the fast-paced world of CRM.


In our 2024 ServiceNow review, we dig into the pricing plans & all the features of this software. Is ServiceNow worth it? Uncover ServiceNow pros & cons now!

Our 2024 Google Sheets review looks at whether this spreadsheet software is worth it. Learn about features, price, pros & cons (& more) Is G Sheets any good?

Foundation accounting software review 2024: Learn about Foundations construction software pros & cons, features & pricing plans. Is Foundation ERP worth it?

2024 TeamSupport review looking at the features, pros & cons of this software. Is TeamSupport pricing worth it or is this customer support system too costly?


Check out our Citrix Podio review & see the features you get in Podio. The pricing plans & the pros & cons of the Podio CRM system. Is the cost worth it or not?

Our 2024 Zenkit review asks: Is the project management app legit  and worth it? Pros and cons, plus pricing, app features, cost, coupon code info, and more.

In our 2024 Samsung Notes review, we take a look at the features, pros & cons of Samsung's free note taking app. Is it any good, or are there better options?

Our Zoho Projects review digs into the pros & cons of this software and asks "is it worth it?" See pricing plans & features (& decide if it's right for you!)