EngageBay Review 2024: Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons

Last Updated:Wednesday, January 10, 2024

For businesses that need a versatile tool without breaking the bank, EngageBay emerges as a contender worth considering. 

But is it the perfect fit for everyone?

In this EngageBay review, we're diving into its key features, pricing plans, pros, and cons. If you're on the fence about whether it's the right tool for your business, this overview might just help you decide. 

Let's get started!


EngageBay review 2024: Is EngageBay any good?

Yes! Our EngageBay review reveals it's a top-notch, wallet-friendly powerhouse for startups and small to medium-sized businesses. Whether you're navigating the feature-rich CRM, launching an email marketing campaign, or setting up advanced workflows with its automation tools, the experience is seamless. On the plus side, there’s a free plan! 

The all-in-one platform emerges as the best value CRM for small business. Why? It genuinely does it all. From drawing visitors to your site to turning them into loyal customers, every step is thoughtfully integrated. 

The built-in landing page builder, free live chat, and help desks make it a one-stop shop for customer engagement and support. For businesses seeking efficiency without burning a hole in their pocket, EngageBay is a dream come true.


EngageBay pricing plans

First of all, how much does EngageBay cost? Let’s first review EngageBay prices:

EngageBay plans

Monthly price

Annual price

Biennial price

Check current EngageBay price





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How much does EngageBay cost for nonprofits?

For nonprofit organizations, the cost of EngageBay is the same as it is for other businesses. 

While some software providers might offer discounts or special pricing tiers for nonprofit entities, EngageBay keeps its pricing consistent across the board, ensuring transparency and simplicity for all its users.

Are there any EngageBay coupon codes or promo discount vouchers?

We did the research, and it seems there are no EngageBay coupon codes or discount vouchers at this time.


EngageBay free vs paid: what’s the difference?

The EngageBay free plan is quite generous and caters to businesses with basic needs. It offers contact management for up to 250 contacts, 1,000 branded emails, limited access to the email template builder, a basic reporting dashboard, 500 MB of file storage, and one landing page, among other features.

However, if you're looking to scale, the paid versions amplify your capabilities. For instance, the Basic plan ups the offering with support for 500 contacts, while the Growth plan caters to a whopping 5,000 contacts. 

The free plan also lacks advanced features like marketing, CRM, and sales automation, workflows, custom reports, extended email sequences, ticket macros, canned responses, and complimentary onboarding sessions, among others. Investing in a paid plan truly unlocks EngageBay's robust potential.


EngageBay overview: what is EngageBay used for?

The EngageBay CRM software is the ultimate business tool, streamlining marketing, CRM, sales, and service into one efficient platform. Instead of juggling multiple pricey apps, businesses get a comprehensive solution that's not just convenient but also budget-friendly.

The Marketing Bay is designed to pull in, engage, and convert visitors. Features like web engagement tools help target the right audience, while SMS campaigns and multichannel marketing extend reach. 

The platform also uses smart pop-ups to capture attention and intuitive live chat to answer real-time queries. Automated emails, advanced templates, and personalized email sequences ensure leads are nurtured and remain engaged.

At its core, EngageBay’s CRM and Sales Bay provides a clear view of every customer, helping businesses organize and track interactions efficiently. This seamlessly ties into the sales tools, which prioritize and score leads. 

The platform also assists in identifying leads with the highest conversion potential using features like Predictive Score and Lead Score by Source. When you're ready to close a deal, tools like proposal management and invoicing make the process a breeze.

The service platform is equipped with features for assisting customers, managing feedback, and resolving issues swiftly. Whether it’s through ticket macros, canned responses, or ticket automation, EngageBay ensures businesses offer top-notch support.


EngageBay features list

The main features of EngageBay are:

  • Email sequence

  • Email broadcast

  • Templates

  • Social media marketing

  • SMS marketing

  • Marketing automation

  • Landing pages builder

  • Forms

  • Contact management

  • Task management

  • Deal management

  • Appointment scheduling

  • Sales reporting

  • Site messaging

  • Tickets

  • Macros

  • Views

  • Ticket automation

  • Canned responses 


Marketing features 

Email sequence

EngageBay's email sequences are tailored marketing emails sent automatically to your subscribers based on their actions.

With EngageBay, you can effortlessly automate, personalize, and schedule these emails. You can personalize the subject lines and email content based on the information you've collected about your recipients. 

You can add as many emails as you'd like. Although they'll be text-based, you have the flexibility to use bold, italics, and other formatting.


Email broadcast 

EngageBay empowers you to master your email broadcasts. Want to send out newsletters or updates? Go for a regular broadcast. Looking to find out which email grabs more attention? Use the A/B broadcast. 

Once you've made your pick, dive into the user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. You'll get to play with ten dynamic widgets, which makes it easy to add videos, buttons, and more. Rearrange your layout by adding blocks and columns as you wish. 

Plus, you can personalize every email, whether it's by using names, recent interactions, or specific products. You can choose to send the email right away, schedule it for later, or send it in batches. It can also be part of an automation based on opens or clicks.



EngageBay gives you over 100 email templates in categories like General, eCommerce, Events, and Celebrations. Using a simple drag-and-drop tool, you can change these templates by adding pictures, logos, and more. 

Make a template once, then use it again and again for your emails. Whether you're emailing one person or a whole group, these templates make it easy and look great every time.


Social media marketing 

EngageBay's Social Suite consolidates your social media tasks. View updates from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in a singular location. Share content, interact with followers, and monitor mentions. 

The keyword streams help you track conversations related to your business. And with its scheduling feature, you can post at suitable times. If someone mentions you, you can send them a quick thank you or hello. You can also transfer leads from social media into your CRM system.


SMS marketing 

EngageBay's SMS marketing tool is straightforward to use. Send bulk SMS messages to keep your audience informed. If someone signs up or perhaps forgets items in their cart, EngageBay can send automatic responses. 

Its drag-and-drop tool means you don't need to be a tech expert to set up an SMS workflow. You can also add a personal touch to messages with names or recent purchase details. 

And if you want to plan ahead, just set your preferred timing in EngageBay, and it'll manage the dispatch. It's a practical way to communicate directly with your audience.


Marketing automation 

EngageBay also lets you set up actions like sending emails, notifications, or SMS, all from its marketing automation platform. You can schedule messages, evaluate leads, and filter potential customers. 

Design workflows to operate when a contact visits a specific URL, opens an email, or joins a call, which helps you prioritize other important tasks.


Landing page builder

With EngageBay, you can easily create landing pages. Its straightforward drag-and-drop tool lets you design pages that fit your style, from colors and fonts to custom elements. 

Tailor each page to your visitor for better results. Collect important details with dynamic forms without repeating questions. 

Keep an eye on your page's performance, like click-through rates and visitor counts. If you're curious about where your visitors come from or what they're most interested in, there are in-depth analytics available.



With EngageBay, you can easily add forms to your website to gather leads. Choose from ready-made styles or create your own. Adding parts to your form is as simple as dragging and dropping. 

You have a variety of elements, like input boxes and radio buttons. Customize each part by changing its font color, background, and more. Plus, you can adjust the text labels and decide which fields are essential for your visitors to fill out. 


Sales and CRM features 

Contact management

Managing contacts with EngageBay is straightforward. It brings all your customer data together in one location. By observing contact activities, you can understand their patterns. You'll see a full view of each person, including past interactions and interests. 

All this information is on a single page for convenience. If you have contacts elsewhere, it's simple to import groups of contacts from places like Google or Office 365, or even from CSV files. 

By keeping track of email interactions and website visits, it becomes easier to stay organized and informed.


Task management 

Even if you're not tech-savvy, you can quickly set up, assign, and track tasks from one place. Need to prioritize? Sort tasks by due date, value, or how far along they are. This feature shows only the tasks that matter to you, keeping things simple. 

And if you want to share updates with your team? Just add notes right to the tasks. It's a straightforward way to stay organized and keep everyone informed without the fuss of long emails.


Deal management 

With EngageBay, you can set up custom deal tracks and milestones that fit your sales process. As opportunities arise, drag and drop them through different stages. You can adjust details and re-assign tasks with just a click. 

By keeping all vital information, like deal value and projected close date, at your fingertips, you'll have a clearer picture of your sales pipeline. You can even automate follow-ups and actions when milestones change so that nothing slips through the cracks. 


Appointment scheduling

With the appointment scheduling feature, you can let your leads book meetings without the hassle of back-and-forth emails. 

Once set, appointments sync to your Google or Office 365 calendar so that everyone sees your current availability. You can send reminders or confirmations. Adjust buffer times between meetings as needed. 

The system detects time zones to align with your invitees. Use group links for bookings with multiple team members. Set your available days and times. When someone books, they can provide details, and EngageBay updates or adds contacts accordingly.


Sales reporting

With EngageBay, you can dive deep into your sales data. You'll find tools to report on marketing, sales, and service outcomes. Whether you use ready-made reports or craft your own, the insights are at your fingertips. 

Understand your deal forecasts, see how many deals are at each milestone, and compare won deals against lost ones. Check out closed deal counts and appointments set by agents. Measure calls over time and gain insights into an agent's activities. 

Get a grasp of your overall sales performance and see where your contacts are coming from. 


Site messaging 

Engage your website visitors using site messaging. Offer a warm welcome, introduce them to new products, or guide them through your pages. With this feature, chat with leads in real time, making the most of their engagement levels. 

See how long they've lingered on specific pages and tailor your messages accordingly. Introduce timed and relevant prompts for those who spend more time browsing. Enhance your messages with a strong call-to-action and add a personal touch. 

With customization options like colors, icons, and layouts, ensure your messages align with your brand, drawing in visitors effectively.


Service features 


You can keep track of customer support requests using EngageBay's ticket system. All requests land in one shared inbox, which makes it easier for you to manage. No matter where the query comes from, you’ll find it in one central place. 

Respond quicker and more efficiently by having all communications with a customer in one ticket. Even if there are multiple issues, you can address them all from that single ticket. 



With EngageBay's macros, you can make your workflow smoother. Instead of typing out the same answers to recurring questions, set up macros. 

These are pre-set responses for common support questions. When certain conditions pop up, your macros kick in, saving you time. And if you ever need to change them? Everything is easily customizable to fit your needs. 



With EngageBay, you can set up views to keep track of your most pressing service tickets. Adjust the Views dashboard to see pending, unassigned, or recently updated tickets quickly. 

While there are default views available, you have the freedom to change them or add new ones. This way, you're always on top of what needs your attention next.


Ticket automation

Streamline your customer service with ticket automation. With EngageBay, you can auto-assign tickets to specific reps or groups, close tickets based on their updates, and send alerts to agents when a manual response is needed. 


Canned responses

Canned responses are ready-made messages that let you answer customer queries faster. With EngageBay, you can craft templates for speedy replies. And if you want to add a personal touch? Adjust and tailor your response before sending it. 


EngageBay pros and cons

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of EngageBay:


EngageBay advantages

Free plan and affordable pricing plans

Budget constraints shouldn’t hinder your business growth. EngageBay understands this, offering a free plan that caters to businesses just starting out. 

This plan provides you with 500 contacts and equips you with core tools spanning email marketing tools, helpdesk services, and sales features. And if you decide to upgrade, the paid plans are competitively priced.


Great alternative to Hubspot

While Hubspot is a recognized name in the industry, EngageBay has quickly made its mark as a formidable HubsSpot alternative

It might not have every single bell and whistle, but it delivers robust performance, integrating the essentials businesses need. For those looking for a balanced combination of features and cost, EngageBay fits the bill.


The marketing and sales products work well together

Integration is key in today's fast-paced business environment. EngageBay excels in ensuring that its marketing and sales tools aren’t isolated silos but work in unison. 

This seamless interplay means you can transition from capturing a lead to closing a sale smoothly, which enhances the overall user experience and efficiency.


Continual improvement of product

The EngageBay software is not a static platform. The team behind it is constantly fine-tuning and enhancing its offerings based on technological advancements and user feedback. 

This dedication to evolution ensures that users always have access to the most up-to-date tools and features that cater to the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and sales.


EngageBay disadvantages

Email templates look outdated

EngageBay's email templates, though functional, lack a modern touch. They come equipped with the basics like formatted headlines, CTAs, and placeholders for branding elements like logos, but they don't stand out in a crowded inbox. 

They feel reminiscent of older design styles, and for brands aiming for a cutting-edge look, this can be a bit of a setback. 


Slight learning curve

The fact that EngageBay integrates various tools – CRM, marketing automation, email systems, and support solutions – means there are several functionalities to get acquainted with. However, the intuitive design of the platform does make the process easier.


Reports could be more detailed 

While EngageBay offers reporting tools, they might not dive as deep as some businesses would like. The insights provided are good for a general overview, but for businesses that rely on in-depth data analytics and detailed breakdowns, this can be a limitation. 


EngageBay complaints & praise (EngageBay reviews from real customers)

Positive EngageBay reviews

Reviews of EngageBay indicate that many users find it beneficial, especially for email marketing. Some have switched from other platforms like Mailchimp and appreciate EngageBay's affordability. 

It's user-friendly, and transitioning from another tool seems straightforward. Users also appreciate being able to manage sales and email campaigns in one place. The platform covers marketing, sales, and service, making it a solid choice for small businesses and startups. 

Additionally, many user reviews mention how they quickly get help from EngageBay's support team.


Negative reviews

Negative EngageBay reviews highlight a few concerns. Some users feel the learning curve is steep, and mastering all its tools can be time-consuming. 

There's feedback about the email sync feature being limited to higher plans and some find the calendar automation inferior to competitors like Calendly. 

Users also feel improvements are needed in areas like email sequencing, landing pages, and advanced reporting. The mobile app has received mixed reviews; while it exists, some functionalities appear limited or non-functional. 

Additionally, users express a need for more in-depth training, especially in the form of video tutorials, to better help them navigate the platform.


Review of EngageBay support

EngageBay offers varied support depending on your subscription. All plan users get access to email and chat support. If you're on the Pro plan, you also get the perk of phone support. 

Additionally, those on the Growth and Pro plans get Free Onboarding Sessions and a Dedicated Account Manager to guide them. For insights and tips related to marketing and sales, the EngageBay blog is a valuable resource, rich with articles covering a range of topics.


Is EngageBay worth it? Final points

Navigating to the pivotal question: is EngageBay worth it? After exploring its features and considering user feedback, EngageBay does appear to be a strong contender for many especially if you need a platform that handles marketing, sales, and customer service all in one spot.

EngageBay brings to the table a variety of tools, from effective email marketing to an easy-to-use CRM system, all while being supported by a helpful support team.

However, nothing’s a perfect fit for everyone. While EngageBay shines in many areas, it might not meet every single need for every business.

Here's a simpler breakdown:

Choose EngageBay if:

  • You're working with a limited budget and need a platform with a generous free plan.

  • You're on the hunt for an affordable solution that doesn't skimp on features.

  • A solid alternative to other platforms like Hubspot is what you're after.

  • You want a tool that combines marketing, sales, and customer service without breaking the bank.

Think twice if:

  • You need very detailed reporting and analytics.

  • You’re looking for a platform with a super advanced mobile app.

  • You need a super simple platform that doesn’t have a learning curve. 

Take a moment to think about what you really need from a marketing and CRM tool, and consider your budget, too. If EngageBay doesn’t quite match your needs, no worries! 

There are plenty of EngageBay alternatives out there, like EngageBay, that might be just the right fit for your business. Keep exploring until you find your perfect match!


Our final EngageBay rating
