The AI-powered CRM your team will love

Sell faster with the most intuitive CRM - powered by AI and code-free automations.
Select what you want to manage:

Sales pipeline
Contact management
Lead management
Customer projects
Marketing activities
Customer onboarding
Team tasks & projects

Whatever your role is, we’ve got you covered

Stay one sale ahead with AI

Let AI do the heavy lifting so your team can spend more time selling. From automated deal prioritization to email composition, sentiment analysis, and forecasting formulas, supercharge your sales with monday AI.
Email composition and rephrasing 3

Save valuable time with one-click automations

Close more deals by automating repetitive work. Automatically assign leads to reps, set reminders for upcoming activities, get notified when a lead opens an email, and more.
side by side recipe update
Flexible and intuitive

Customize in minutes to fit
your sales cycle

Easily tailor your CRM to suit you, without any development help. Edit deal stages, add as many columns as you'd like, manage multiple pipelines at once, and more.
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Sequences & mass emails

Maximize engagement with every contact

Efficiently reach contacts at every stage of your pipeline with the right message using powerful features like personalized sequences, mass emailing & tracking, and AI email writing.
Sequences Main Acquisition page
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Integrate in a snap
with all your favorite tools

Connect with 500+ apps and integrations to bring all of your essential stack into monday CRM. From email marketing to communication tools to billing systems, do it all in one place.
integratios full
integratios full btm

Get an instant overview
of each deal

Easily build dashboards in real time with no development help. Gain insights into where deals stand, expected revenue, your team’s performance, and more.
grid dashboard updated

An award-winning platform. Loved by customers

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